For your convenience we have added a payment App “AutoBooks”. Just take a picture of the QRC code with your smart phone, it will bring you to the app. Just fill in the information and send your payment.
Welcome to the Hickory County Health Dept. Website
We have been serving area residents since 1966, and are dedicated to promoting the health of all county residents.
Our commitment to disease prevention is the driving force behind the many health services we offer you.
On our site you'll find information about the services we offer, WIC information, and a list of resources for many different health issues and questions.
Contact us by phone, email or by visiting our office.
Hickory County Health Department’s Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
Effective March 1, 2019, the Hickory County Health Department will take a leadership role on the major public health issue of tobacco use by implementing a tobacco-free environment policy on the campus located at 24885 State Highway 254; Hermitage, MO.
The tobacco ban will apply to all employees, clients, visitors, contractors and vendors. Our tobacco-free policy will prohibit the use of tobacco of any kind on Hickory County Health Department’s property, including within our buildings and on our grounds.
Hickory County Health Department will not ask employees and clients to stop using tobacco; however, we are requiring them to refrain from tobacco use on our property. To assist with this, the Health Department is developing programs and providing resources for employees and clients to support tobacco cessation or symptom management.
As an organization committed to public health and safety, the Hickory County Health Department’s primary mission is to protect the health of those in our community, while promoting a culture of health. Implementing a tobacco-free policy expresses this commitment and is a positive step towards eliminating the use of tobacco in our community.
Health Education
Stay healthy! Check here for food recalls as they are announced.
Did you know we offer two Women's Health Programs, based on age? Read more here.
We also offer classes to help learn Crib Safety, as well as a National Diabetes Prevention Program Prevent Type 2 class.
Get all the facts. Have your kids ready for their first day of school, or come in for adult or adolescent vaccines. Read more here.
T.B. Concerns
Is it true that tuberculosis is on the rise in the US? What can you do to avoid this disease? Click here to learn more.
Rabies is a viral disease of mammals and is transmitted primarily through bites.
Annually, 7,000 to 8,000 rabid animals are detected in the United States, with more than 90 percent of the cases in wild animals.
Rabies is found naturally in Missouri, occurring primarily in bats and skunks, although other animals are also found rabid each year, including domestic species such as dogs, cats, horses, and cattle.
Learn more about Rabies here.
Visit Our Farmers Market Website!
Visit the site! See what's happening at the market and what's on sale this week!
And if anyone is interested in being a vendor at the Farmer's Market ( or if you know someone who might be) we welcome everyone to come. Please call the Hickory County Health Department at 745-2138.
Click here for Rules of Hickory County Farmers Market.
Click here for Hickory County Farmers Market Membership agreement.
Hello Farmers and Ranchers! Are you looking for a new wholesale market for your products?
There is a vast untapped market near you: LOCAL SCHOOLS.
Area schools are interested in becoming part of the ever-growing farm-to-school movement. These schools are interested in discovering how to produce local agricultural products and incorporating them into their food service.
We want to help facilitate the farm-to-school plate process. By working together and pooling our resources, we can get organized and start supplying some of the food needs for our schools.
You may think your farm is too small to sell into the market, but our goal is to accommodate all farm sizes, with the ultimate goal of creating a strong local market for farm-to-school products that will help increase economic opportunities for farmers in our rural community.
Please call us at 417-745-2138 and ask for Dawn if you are interested in learning more and/or getting involved.
Call the Hickory County Health Department and ask for Dawn: 417-745-2138.
Visit the Farm to School website to learn more.

Call us today at: 417-745-2138.
Family Planning
Nurse practitioner Michelle Thomazin, is available one day per month for the Women’s Health Clinic. This clinic provides well woman exams, pap tests and birth control management to women of all ages. All services are free until age 19 and after, available at low cost. Birth control medications are free for women under age 17, and offered at reduced cost for those over 17.
Contagious Diseases: Know More
Influenza Facts
To learn more about influenza, click here.
Meningitis Information
For more information about meningitis please visit the CDC website.